Hiring product owner in Tehran

منقضی شده

تابان آتی پرداز

The تابان آتی پرداز in Tehran province invites qualified people to apply.

product owner

Male, Female
Work Experience
Experience Required
Job Type
Full Time


  • Take the lead of scrum teams as the Product Owner سئو
  • Providing vision and direction to the Agile development team and stakeholders throughout the project and create requirements
  • Ensure that the team always has an adequate amount of prior prepared tasks to work on
  • Plan and prioritize product feature backlog and development for the product
  • Define product vision, road-map and growth opportunities
  • Assess value, develop cases, and prioritize stories, epics, and themes to ensure work focuses on those with maximum value that are aligned with product strategy
  • Provide backlog management, iteration planning, and elaboration of the user stories
  • Work closely with Product Management to create and maintain a product backlog according to business value or ROI


  • Entrepreneurship skills or experience
  • Creative thinker
  • Previous working experience as a Product Owner for3 years
  • MA in Computer Science, Engineering or similar relevant field
  • In-depth knowledge of Agile process and principles
  • Outstanding communication, presentation, and leadership skills
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills
  • Sharp analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Creative thinker with a vision
  • Attention to details

Working Hours

Saturday to Wednesday 8 am to 5 pm


Insurance Sup.Insurance Bonuses Loan Occasional Gifts Org Physician Travel incentives Educational Grant Rest Space Play Room Conscription
این آگهی مربوط به 522 روز پیش است و منقضی شده است بنابراین اطلاعات تماس نمایش داده نمیشود.
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